Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

So today's workout was, well let's just say a downfall for me.  I have to tell some people "sorry" for today, in all honesty I was not giving up and I will not give up.  I was simply disappointed in myself because I could not do one sit-up.  I was telling my self to just get up once and I let myself down today, however Shannon, Lynn, Maygan and Jenn shouted words of encouragement to me which I really appreciate but in that moment I could not stop my emotions from coming.  I feel really bad that I let my emotions get the best of me today, and when I did that my emotions got the best of Lynn as well.  I pushed my hardest at everything on the board today and was completely exhausted when I was done.
Lynn, god she worked her ass off today and I am so proud of her for her accomplishments.  As Lynn and I talked today, we both thought that it was great that Ben worked out with us today.  Although, we both did talk about you know "Valentine's Day" and what we did, we have decided that we had our cheat meal today and we don't want to talk about it, but we will kill ourselves in the morning to make it right.  Well, if our bodies don't kill us first.
Ben went on MOO today to update everyone on the MOOsers and results so far, and I just want to Thank Ben because after having an emotional workout this morning, it was wonderful to hear him say such nice things about Lynn and I.  So with those nice things said, the emotions came again and then I had to explain to Mia why I was upset.  She informed me that everything was going to be okay, she is just so smart that one. lol
Anyways, Thanks to everyone for the support and the nice comments on my facebook status, it really means a lot.  A special Thanks to the Ladies that encouraged me this morning, I wish I could do more but I hope that you all know how appreciated it is.

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