Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Friday!!

Since it is Friday and the end of Week 5 we worked our butts off.  We did a strength day where we use heavier weights and do fewer reps.  I was thinking that I did so awesome this morning and that it wasn't really that bad, but then the pain came and came in places that have not hurt yet.  So weird.  It's like I am finding muscles that have not been used in years, and I guess I never really thought that they existed.  If you check out the MOOser's blog page you can see video of Lynn and I doing push-ups, now for some people these come easy so they may not think that what we accomplished was hard at all, but I would like to see them do what we did today and pump out a crap load of reps.
I got on the scale again today, basically just wondering.  I am the type of person that when I see the progress occasionally I can push myself through a lot more.  After having an emotional night last night, I worked hard today and felt great after the workout.  It was amazing that I was still able to show my co-workers what "PLANKS" were during our Friday Meeting, guess we didn't really stay on a topic that deals with banking.  Oh well it is always good to change it up. LOL
Michelle did not bring in donuts today, but did tell me how much her legs hurt.  I guess that from last nights work out my shins are the only thing that were hurting.  I told Michelle, I think that I have just gone numb when doing some things.  The rollers that we do at the beginning and the end of class use to hurt like hell, I don't even notice any sort of pain now, I find this just amazing since at my very first class, when we were done the rollers and the other warm up activities I was like "Now, that was a workout" LOL and then I got my first ass kicking by Ben.  Apparently, people enjoy the butt kicking since we all go back. 
Anyways, I know that Lynn does want to add to the blog so I will give her the information that she needs in order to do so.  Like I always say, Lynn kicked ass today and motivates me each day to work a little harder. 

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