Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday 1-31-11

So this morning was our first official MOO interview, it went well and I referred to Lynn and I as "the Guay Girls" for those that have known us forever you know that our maiden name was Guay.  And for anyone looking for a great laugh, our father is BEN GUAY.  We did a great workout this morning and I really thought that Ben was going to be nice to us.  OMG The last two things that we did just about killed me and I am not even kidding.  Lynn and Shannon yelled to me to keep my feet up, and at lunch Lynn admitted that once I had my feet up hers fell to the floor.  It hurt like HELL, but we gave it our all and it was not quiet in the room everyone was grunting and making noise.  I wonder sometimes, if someone were walking by they must think that Ben is killing someone. 
All I can say is my lower back really hurts. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shopping in St. Jay!!!

So since Lynn and I could not attend the Derby shopping day on Saturday, we went with some other moosers and boot-campers to St. Jay.  It was very educating for me, as I do no like to go shopping and tend to have anxiety in shopping stores.  It was great to learn that the necessities are all right on the outside parts, and that I don't need to go down many aisles.  Ben was spoken to by some guy, so we had to stick together and stay close to not interrupt the other shoppers.  As we left Price Chopper, Lynn and I headed back up I 91 towards home, I let Lynn drive as she makes the drive often and I just hate driving.  Well, sometimes Lynn has what you would call a LEAD FOOT, we were about 1.5 miles from our exit when the police man pulled out after us.  Blue lights just a few minutes later.  Since we were in my car, I got out all of the required docs laughing the whole time, he came to the window and asked where the emergency was.  Lynn said "we are going home", he asked where we were coming from and Lynn said "Ben's Boot-Camp", the cop went to his car after telling us that we were doing 81 in a 65.  I was laughing and cracking jokes the whole time and Lynn said " I should have told him I was speeding because my sister was starving when we left Price Chopper and I have healthy food at home".  The guy comes back and we were completely stunned that he gave her only a warning, told us to slow down and have a good day.  We were both like "THANK YOU", and then headed back up to Irasburg.  I said that I didn't think Joel would let her drive my car anymore, and we just laughed because in all honesty Joel would not care but I was so putting it on him. LOL We made it home safely and had some fantastic homemade Chicken Soup. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

One down Eleven to go

With week one down, I feel I have learned a lot, been pushed a lot and slept well.  I have had to push myself a couple of days when I felt like I could do no more.  Today I had Shannon to push me, because she knew I could do more.  My sister and I split up for today so that the three experienced boot-campers could be with different groups, so Shannon pushed us.  But I did yell to Lynn a couple of times from across the room, I did not want her to think I wasn't watching. LOL I can honestly say that she is a trooper, and always willing to help me when I need some guidance. 
After having a nice meal with my sister and our families tonight, we talked briefly about the fact that we were more tired then sore.  I guess we just haven't made these early mornings a complete routine yet.  We will be attending the shopping day with the St. Jay crew as neither one of us can make it tomorrow, and I am really looking forward to this, I need to be a smart shopper.  I will be the one taking lots of notes. LOL
Looking forward to the next eleven weeks.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 4 was not a bore

So this morning was workout number four, this is what we call a cardio day.  Some may think that these days are easier but boy oh boy they are not.  Ben has us push ourselves until the very end, and I can honestly say that it is really hard for me to beat my last attempt, but I will.  Today was also the first day that I struggled with eating, it started first thing this morning which just set the tone for the day.  I made healthy decisions, but did not eat my usual five small meals.  I had a big lunch so I skipped out on my afternoon snack, simply because I was not hungry. Now here it is almost 8:00 at night and I am eating a chick pea salad that I made, which in all honesty is not bad.  But I think I may have over done it with the onions.   
We had our metabolism makeover meeting tonight, where the moosers got their first look at how those run, and can see that everyone that attends is very supportive. 
Tomorrow is the end of the first week and I can only say that I am feeling good and looking to reach my goals with the help of my partner, and well Ben of course.  This group of MOOsers are all really supportive and outgoing, and I can see where we will all be able to help each other. 
For future blogging I will add in thoughts from my partner Lynn, she is taking classes at Lyndon State so she may not have a lot of time to blog, so with her consent I will share her milestones and possibly share a funny story here and there.  She is my sister after all, so I think I am allowed. LOL

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thrid Day and great

Today's workout was fantastic, lots of sweat which means that you are working hard.  I was surprised when Ben announced the Boot-Camper of the month and he said my name.  It was a great way to end my workout and start my work day.  Thank you for that Ben, it really means a lot to be awarded the honor of this Boot-Camper award.  For those that know me well, you know how much I am a big kid and the littlest things in life are just so exciting.  I also feel that this will be a great push for me to continue to get myself where I want to be.  I am very proud of my partner because she never gives up when we work out.  She pushes through the workout and still has a smile when the work out is done.  You don't see that on everyone's face, so all I can say is she is amazing. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 2

So today was day two, and the day that I realized that I needed to do something about my work schedule.  So since I had to bail out early, I went to work and I think I have it all figured out.  I can honestly say that I feel great, sore but great the only thing that I think I will struggle with is what to eat and when I should eat it.  I am looking forward to tomorrows work out and maybe some meal ideas from the group Thursday Night.  That is about it for now. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Beginning

Today was the first day of my twelve week adventure.  Although I have been in Boot-Camp since the end of November I am very excited to workout each day with my partner.  She is a pusher and will push me when she sees that I need it, and I will not hesitate to push her back.  It is great to workout in the regular boot-camp classes, as the people who attend are there to help me get through every minute that I am exhausted.  It is motivating to workout with people that have been doing it for some time because I want to keep up with them, and push myself harder.  Tomorrow will be the second day and as far as I hear, it may not be a fun filled morning.  But then again, that is not what I signed up for; I have signed up for the biggest transformation and by all means I am looking forward to getting healthy, staying healthy and working hard to get there.