Thursday, March 31, 2011

Holy Shit Again!!!

I am soooo exhausted from this mornings workout.  But I feel so good, weird I know but damn I can't wait for my body to adjust to the new way of doing things.. I love that we change it up, I just wish that my body understood that it was to benefit it, damn body - it has a mind of it's own sometimes.  But like Mary said, you tell your body "yes" even when it is saying "no".  Well, my body was screaming "NO" to me but I just about fell on the floor showing it who was the boss.  LOL And I am not kidding, I really almost fell, but managed to stay on my feet.  Water for some reason has been my downfall lately, I really don't know why, I was doing so well with it.  But when I have been at work lately, I just have not been making the time to walk out back and get water.  What the hell is wrong with me, I make the time to get up and eat before a workout, I make the time to get my ass kicked six days a week, I make the time for Met. Makeover class, and Zumba and my family - but I can't walk my ass out back and get some damn water???? I don't know the more I sit here and think about it, I am just getting mad at the lazy choice that I make.  What ever - I can't dwell on that, I will try harder because I have no choice, it's not like my water bottle will magically fill up when I take the last sip. 
Okay, enough about that.  Today's workout was killer - these days of 30:20 are hard core.  We did Battleropes, Kneel to Stands, Switch Jumps (lunges - kind of) and shuffle burpees.  OMG First of all, when you see this things written on the board, it is not too intimidating but when you start to think about it and your like "DUDE, I am doing that for 30 seconds and then really like no break" I get scared.  But I do tell myself - "it's not that bad" so that I don't like freak out.  I felt the burn today, and I made my legs do what I wanted them to do.  Thanks to Shannon and Mary for pushing me that extra 30 seconds today, I needed to be pushed so that I could beat a number.  With their help and Lynn and Laurie cheering me on, I DID IT.  I went from 16 Kneel to Stands up to 19 Baby.  That is just kick ass. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Just for the record, what I am about to say it a true story.
Yesterday one of the MOOsers asked if anyone else was experiencing issues with going number two.  The diet we are on can make you have some issues.  So since that was discussed yesterday, it was brought up again today.  During our warm up we were talking about "poop" and who is having troubles with that area? LOL Now we are all adults so this conversation was of course completely professional..... Yeah right, we got to talking about how butts are sore from being constipated and how for others it went the other way.  LOL I just love it, Ben moved down to the other end of the room where the conversation must have been boring... lol Anyways, I felt that this was BLOG worthy and that no one else would blog about it, so here it is.  At our workouts we talk about POOP, and well other things too but today that is what I will think about and share. 
The workout today, yeah that kicked ass.  I felt that I did really well today, and Lynn too.  We had a man in our group today, so of course I was not slacking, I did not want to look like a wimp.  I think Ben did that on purpose, that pushes me.  And of course Ben will say that he didn't but I don't think I will believe him, now if I had heard Eye of the Tiger I would have been like what the hell, now I got to kick ass.  I feel that today I pushed and even though JOEL DID NOT come with me, I pushed like I would have if he did.  WIMP!!! He doesn't read my blogs so if he confronts me on this calling him a wimp, I will have to wonder who told him. LOL
Just kidding, I would tell him to his face.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So today I have finally gotten back on track with drinking enough water.  I just hope to keep it up, I have been struggling with this lately.  Sad, but true.  With our cardio days being 8 rounds and shorter rest, we really need to be stepping it up.  For some reason, I REALLY SUCKED today.  I don't know why I had that pain in my side, but damn it I was pissed at myself for not just pushing through.  I will have to make up for it tomorrow.  I feel as though there is always something that holds me back, and I really hate that feeling.  Sometimes I can honestly talk myself out of it and others I let that feeling defeat me.  I only have like two and a half weeks left, it is really time to not let that shit get to me.  With that said, I just want to let you all know that I appreciate your words of encouragement and I hope that we will make you proud. 
Tomorrow is the day that Joel should go with me..... but I guess we will see in the morning.  My guess is "no" but he could surprise me.  That would be nice.

Monday, March 28, 2011

And SO Week 10 Begins!!

Here it is Monday night, and the first day of week ten.  Damn, today just about killed me.  You know when you look at the board hoping and praying for an easy day that, that you are probably doomed.  That was me today, DOOMED.  I made it through, and really today there were moments that I thought I wouldn't make it.  The step-ups with weights, I really thought I was going to fall over.  What the hell was going on?? Anyways, that is about enough of the shitty part today like every other day Lynn kicked ass.  Seriously, we were doing the same workout - but if you watched us you would have been thinking "what the hell is Andrea doing?" Lynn pushed through and I really think she was the first person done.  She kicked ass, every time I looked at her I was wondering where the hell my energy was? She was always like two exercises in front of me.  OMG she just killed it today, and that is awesome.  The funniest part was when we got done the list, we had to do more exercises for the time that was left.  For the last minute I did a plank, I HATE planks, but have decided that I hate my Mia and Landyn leftovers even more.  The plank can help me with that area. LOL I guess I shouldn't have done that because then right after we did planks as a group.  What was I thinking???? Ben also had us do wall squats, and was ever so polite to hand me a weight.  THANKS BEN, I really wanted the weight but didn't want to look like a show off.  LOL I am so just kidding. 
Well, Joel has said that he really might come with me this week..... I guess we will have to wait and see. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nine Down THREE TO GO!!!!

It is officially the end of week nine, and we only have three weeks left.  It is hard to believe but these have been the fastest nine weeks ever... Lynn and I showed up to our workout this morning wearing our TEAM MACHADO BROCHU shirts that I ordered.  LOL I am just a little corny like that, I would say that it is because I am a mother of two young kids, but that would be a lie - I am always like that. LOL  Since this week started out shitty for me, I will say that I felt I ended on a high note.  Stepping it up, using heavier weights and pushing through.  I did find that while I was choosing the heavier weights the squat press was sooooo hard.  I had originally picked 25 pound dumb-bells but the second time I did it I used two 20 pounders, I do not look at that as having been defeated, I realized that I could NOT even lift them up the second time so you know in order to get a workout in I had to make some changes. 
Lynn was with me this morning, still in a lot of pain but in all honesty I don't know of any other woman that would have pushed through like she did.  I can not even believe the amount of pain she was in and still giving it her all.  She ROCKS.  
Today is day 17 on the Warp Speed diet, I have just sent Joel to the store to pick up some things that I need for next week.  I made him a VERY SPECIFIC list, we will see how he does.  I did not feel up to venturing out to the PRICE CHOPPER so I have left my fate in his hands. Please let him get everything on the list with no substitutions.  I have noticed some change in myself being on this diet, but I will say that there are so many things that I do miss.  I will not say that I will never do Warp Speed again, I think that I am happier being 90% good instead of 100%.  I don't know, I think it is because I don't have the option to have a cheat meal.  Sounds weird but hey at least I am honest.  By having the option, I am able to make the better choice without having to think about it.
Oh well, that seems to be about it for today.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Week 9 out of the way

With one more workout to complete week nine, it is just about done.  It has been one hell of a week for me, but I am going to end it on a good note.  I have been pushing myself, but still felt as though I was holding back.  Today, Lynn would have called me a machine - well at least on the ropes.  Ben had us doing some pretty "freaky" shit, and it hurt like hell, but I kicked ass on the ropes today.  Unfortunately, it's Friday so I do leave early to attend weekly meetings for work - with that said I did miss out on the Kettlebell swings and rows, and well lets face it what ever little gift Ben gave at the end.  You know the "finisher", lol.  I don't know if there was one, but all I can say is that there most likely was and I am sure that there were some Burpees in the mix - as there always is.
Lynn was not able to attend today, but she will return tomorrow.  She called me this morning to let me know and I said "good thing you called, I probably would have trash talked you at the workout".  I probably would have, you know "tough love". 
Ben did an update on MOO today, and I always find it wonderful to hear how he feels we are doing.  It is great to hear that he thinks we are doing well, and for me it gives me a big push to push myself harder.  We don't have a lot of time left with this, and there is no room for slack assing.  We all work hard, and honestly we all show determination.  It is going to be hard work, but my goal is to kick ass everyday until the end - and well lets face it even longer.
During the beginning of our Metabolism Make over we have to set goals for ourselves, I look at these goals often as a reminder of what I want to accomplish during this twelve weeks and all I can say is MAN do I have determination.  There are a couple of things that I won't know until the end if I have actually met the goal I set or not but as far as where I wanted to be with weight selections I am right on target.  As far as the pant size that I wanted to be by this time, I am smaller then I was expecting.  This is honestly a great feeling and a wonderful achievement for me, and yeah if you want you can take it as bragging.  I will admit that since I have lost inches in my thighs, I am able to wear smaller pants the I was expecting I always thought that the problem was my gut, but as it turns out my big ass thighs were a BIG part of the problem - who knew? LOL I do not know what the goals Lynn had for herself are - so I can't tell you where she is at and how much further she needs to go, but I will say this...... Lynn has done an amazing job, she has given it her all and is so dedicated to this program.  She is an amazing person, she is a mother, wife, student, and full time worker and she has managed to make this a priority for herself.  She deserves the recognition for that.  She is one of the most amazing people that I know, and for that I have been truly blessed. 
Next week - BRING A FRIEND - any takers???

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cardio Changes

Today, Mary and Ben changed our cardio day a little bit.  We now do 30:20, which means 30 seconds of work and a 20 second break, and we now get to do eight rounds.  Lets just say that I was not completely ready for this, I pushed through and ended up a little dizzy so I went to get fresh air for a minute.  Damn it, that just pissed me off.  I came back in determined to finish it up and finish strong. 
I am excited to hear what Ben has to say for an update on Friday - I am hoping that he will say good things, but I guess we will see. 
Not much to add for today, just that we all worked hard and pushed ourselves through the workout.  Everyone kicked ass.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mia Stinks

So Miss Mia joined us at boot camp today.  At one point Lynn asked me "is that you?" and then I could smell it, I looked at Mia and said did you fart?  LOL She said yes, I did.  My god, she was so stinky.  That was my motivation today, the faster we got done the faster we could get away from Mia.  LMAO Mia has been told that she can not come with mommy to work out anymore, since she always needs to go to the bathroom and distract me.  Not a great idea.  I can't even believe that this smell could come from my little girl. 
Now about the workout... It was a killer day today.  Lynn of course was my partner, just incase you didn't know that.  We did work out hard, and of course we did the roll the dice - when you get a three it is Ben's choice, this is never a good thing but we managed to roll threes like each time.  OMG that sucked.  Anyways, it was a great workout and I do feel that I gave 100% it would have been 110% if I didn't have to take Mia to the potty a couple of times.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back in Action

So today I was back in action, well almost.  Since I now fear the whole passing out situation, I did work out but felt that I did hold myself back today.  I did have Mary pushing me along and Lynn kicking my ass so I tried to not slack too much.  Of course Mary was there telling me that I didn't have the highest number, so that did push me a little more.  I can't even tell you how I ended up this morning but I can tell you that I tried.  I did not give up and I pushed through all six rounds, and today I ate much better than yesterday.  I felt so sick all day yesterday, and I am hoping that with another good night of sleep tomorrow I will be giving it 110%.  Well, lets just be honest, I AM GOING TO GIVE 110% regardless of what happens.  We don't have a lot of time left, so there will be NO slacking.  It is crunch time, baby and time for Lynn and I to show everyone what we are made of.  I will not settle for second, third or fourth place.  I will push myself and Lynn as hard as we can go.  We will fight until the end, so everyone just needs to push us and fight with us.  Everyone has been so supportive these last eight plus weeks, we just need a little more. 
Thanks for all of the support!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Thank you Community!!!

So here is a blog for Lynn, she has an account with Orlex on the Derby Road.  She went there this morning and as she was walking in she noticed a box of Chocolate Bars for sale on the counter, must be one of the ladies kids was selling for a fund raiser.  Well, the two ladies behind the counter saw Lynn coming in and one of them threw the box of chocolate bars on the floor and replaced them with her own healthy snack and said "this is what we have for snack today".  Lynn started to giggle since she new the other lady was a fellow Boot-Camper and this was how they were showing their support for her to succeed.  The fellow Boot-Camper offered Lynn some almonds, which of the three healthy snacks was probably the only one that was on Lynn's menu for today. LOL
Just wanted to share on Lynn's behalf.

Missing Out because of Passing out

So this morning I was up at 5:00, had all my food prepared so that it wouldn't take me long to get ready for my workout.  I cooked and then felt that feeling of passing out.  I know this feeling because it does tend to happen to me on occasion. I HATE THAT FEELING.  So I laid down on the cold floor and yelled to Joel, he assisted me to the couch where I stayed for two hours with the puke bucket - just in case.  I could not go to the workout this morning because I did not feel okay to get behind the wheel.  For those of you that know me well, you know that this does happen to me and that I did, before kids, have like every test run to see what was going on.  Well, the doctors told me that everything was "NORMAL", again for those that know me well, you know that I am not normal, in fact I am anything but. LOL So I decided to take the day off today but I am hoping that by staying home and relaxing I can get over this feeling and move on.  I hate when it happens because it affects my entire life.  I hate to think of what would happen if I were to pass out driving down the road or something, I just take it one day at a time and can only hope for the best. 
Sorry to Lynn for missing out - I know that you kicked ass even though I wasn't there, but I really enjoy being there to workout with you. 
I usually end my blog with Enjoy, but for today I hope that you don't enjoy as I did not enjoy passing out. 
See you soon!!! (this is a better way to end for today.)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


So I know that I have complained in the past about all of the burpees that we do, but today we did "wipers" and the other one. I can't even think of what it is called - but I will never ever forget them.  I hate them, I would much rather do burpees.  But you know, I don't get to pick the exercises for the day.  Thank you to Mary for kicking our butts this morning, my legs are killing me.  But it is for the change that I want, so when I say thank you I really do mean it.  Having a day like today, after having a strength day yesterday was not so good for me.  I was so exhausted before we even started todays workout.  But I know that I need to stay focused and work it out.  The funny part is - I have been eating so much raw onion lately that I do wonder if I smell like onions.  I swear I do, but no one has complained to me yet so I guess it can't be that bad.  LOL
Lynn worked really hard today.  She pushed it, and at one point got caught by Mary holding the wall.  That was not such a good idea, so she didn't try that again.  I was going to tell her, but I was too focused on what I was doing that had I spoken with her I would have lost all focus. 
Oh well, Mary got her back on track and she did not do it again. lol
Monday starts week 9 for us, and I can't wait.  I am looking forward to giving every workout all that I have and bring it every day.

Friday, March 18, 2011

8th Friday

So here it is the 8th Friday of the MOOsers, I really listened to Ben today when he said to up the weights.  I felt I pushed and gave it my all and for that I will pat myself on the back.  Lynn too kicked ass, using heavier weights and pushing through the 30 seconds of work.  In all honesty, when Ben says "five more seconds" those are the longest five seconds of my day.  I feel great now, not full of energy, but good as in not sore (yet).  I know it is coming, The pain will be here when I rise in the morning, but I will have the motivation to get up and do it all over again. 
So I am not sure what everyone else has been doing, as far as weighing themselves. But I did get on the scale the other day and I had lost 8 pounds since the six week point so I have to say that this diet must be working for me. I know that Lynn got on the scale too, basically out of wonder and she too had a nice weight loss.  I wont tell how much because she didn't tell me I could - but it was great.  We should all be very proud of her and her accomplishments, she is doing wonderful. 
Tomorrow is the last day of week eight, not sure at all what kind of work out to expect - but I look forward to working out with all the MOOsers.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patties Day

So today was a cardio day, which was changed up a little.  It was nice to have a change even though we still work hard and sweat.  I have to say that Shannon is my biggest pusher, she sets the pace for me and gets those high numbers and I fight to keep up with her.  It just about kills me, but even if I get close I am happy with my accomplishments.  She knows that I push to have the highest number in each event, so she pushes the bar and kicks my ass.  Thank you for that Shannon, not that I slack when you are not there but damn I am a competitive person and it is great to have someone push me to my limits. 
I was expecting to be really sore today, since I did Zumba last night but I felt great.  I think that by doing the Zumba it has actually helped me, I slept great and woke up this morning and my legs did not hurt!!!! They have been sore for a few days. 
So this is my reminder to everyone to wear GREEN today, as it is St. Patties Day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Vegas Day

Well not really Vegas but Deck of Cards for today.  That was what Ben wrote on the board this morning, and that was the very first workout we did as moosers.  I can say that my team has come a long way, the first time we did this workout we did not get through the whole deck of cards.  Today, we got through the deck and had to start the deck again.  YAHOO!!! That my friends shows progress.  I was hoping that Ben got me grabbing Lynn's ass on video today, he kept telling her to squeeze her butt so I went over and did just that. LOL
Something new for today, I attended Zumba with Lynn and her friend April, Mary was teaching of course and I had SO MUCH FUN!!! It was a great workout and I look forward to doing it again next week.  After Zumba we were off to Shaws for a little shopping, then I got home put the food away and prepared my meals for the next two days.  I am thinking that I need to do them on Sunday - but I really can not find the time, it is just crazy.  Anyways - so here it is 9:10 and I am just sitting down to Blog, while my eggs are boiling.  It is like my days run right into each other and I can't believe that we really don't have much time left.  I hope that my MOOser family will remain close after this competition, despite who wins.  I really think that we are all very supportive of each other and I enjoy their company.  We have so much fun, because we are just a great group of people. lol
That is about it for today, got to check my eggs so that I can go to bed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


All I can say is "HOT DAMN" my thighs hurt today, and so did my belly after putting all of that broccoli in it. LOL I thought I was dying, I was laying on the floor at work in the fetal position and one of my managers came around the corner and just started laughing.  I would have laughed too, but I was dying.  I will say that I had a great day when it came to food, but unfortunately my body is NOT use to the amounts just yet and I am really glad that there is not BROCCOLI on the menu for tomorrow.  Not complaining, just waiting for my body to adjust to the servings I have been giving it.  I am feeling much better now, and I did eat my afternoon snack even though I really didn't feel like it.  I tried Spaghetti squash tonight for the first time ever, and Mia was so excited about it, shoving it in by the fist fulls, then all of a sudden - she was done with that and she didn't like it anymore. lol I ate almost my full serving, it wasn't bad but not something I see us eating a lot of in the future.  My husband didn't even try it. (he was too scared. lol)
I had a great workout this morning, had to leave early because the schedule got a little screwed up at work.  I needed to be there for 8 so I left at 7, now this would have been one of those days that Ben should have a shower, then I would have been able to stay for the entire workout. Thanks Ben. Just kidding - I really laugh out loud when I write all this stuff. I laugh even harder when I call someone right after I am done and read it to them.  My god, I am just too funny. And YES I really think I am.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 8 begins

Today was the first day of week eight, where Ben started a new session with the rest of his Boot-campers.  Since they had a week off, one would think he would start light .... um no, they all got a big welcome back kick in the ass.  All I can say is Ben never lets us slack, pushes us to our limits and then makes us give a little more.  He does not want us to fail, so he pushes us and it always seems like he pushes me when I think I am going to die - but for some reason I manage to survive another day. LOL
Lynn and I got some words from Ben about how the hell we are suppose to eat all the food on our diet, it really seems like a lot but he says that we need to give it a few days.  I did find that today went so much better for me, and now that I have Strawberry Protein Powder and not just chocolate I can change it up a bit. LOL I do find it scary when I look ahead because I have never been a fish eater, I have had it once on this diet and will have it again another day this week, but then we will introduce a new fish.  OMG that is scary for me, the best part is my kids are experiencing all of these new foods as well, and they loved the fish the other night, tonight they tried mushrooms - OMG you should have been here to see the face my son gave us, it was priceless, he ate the mushrooms but it took some "MMMMMM Yummy" from mommy. Mia - my child that only eats Mac N Cheese and hot dogs- well it is safe to say that she did NOT eat what we did tonight, she didn't even give it a chance.  (that sounds like someone I use to know..... ME)
I know that Lynn has not enjoyed the strawberry powder so I am thinking that the chocolate will do her some good.  She is working hard at getting in the right amount of foods and sticking to the meal plans, but she has admitted that it is hard, you know real life happens and you can't always eat when you should but she is making it work and for that I applaud her.  She is such a great partner, and helps me push myself through the pain and when we have to try and beat our partner she sets the bar high.  KICKING ASS
So to end this post all I can say it "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURIE" hope that you had a kick ass day.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week 7 done

So with week seven done and out of the way, I am still working hard at home.  I started the 28 day warp speed yesterday, and though yesterday was a hard day I felt so much better with it today.  I am going to have to figure out what to do to make it work, but that may be harder then it sounds. Mia was a great support today at snack time, she saw that I was eating a hard boiled egg (white) and she had one too.  She is just too cute, but then of course she had the veggie sticks that I had originally gotten for her.  Those are yummy too.  I tried Hummus for the first time today and my sister Lynn HATES Hummus, but I thought it wasn't bad.  We are all going to struggle with different parts of Warp Speed, but I know that we will all make it work, we are all willing to do what it takes to get to our goals and win so this diet will help with that. 
Today's workout was great, Lynn showed up just a little late but Abby and I welcomed her to our group.  All three of us cheered each other on, and pushed through the work out.  It was great to work out with Abby, since it was the first time we had been able to work side by side with her since the beginning.  I am looking forward to the next time we get to workout with Abby and hopefully Rita too. Get that damn truck unstuck and get your butt to bootcamp. LOL
It was so FUNNY today when I said good morning to Bill and used our true words of Love and Affection with him, it was a very nice "F**k You" and for those that know us MOOSers - you know that it is a true sign of love and affection and when used at the right time a sign of jealousy (when Bill kicked ass at something the other day Lynn was like FU) it is really kind of funny, but in all honesty Lynn and I had a trucker for a father and well those terms were used often in our house. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Where have I been????

Sorry about not posting yet this week, been busy with work.  No excuse just the truth.  I have enjoyed two workouts with the MOOsers this week and got my butt kicked both days, I am however looking forward to my workout tomorrow. 
I have to say that I started the 28 day warp speed diet and OMFG, I think that is all I can say.  I appreciate all that Ben has done for me and I will never be able to thank him enough but I will also never forget these meals that I am eating. lol I did eat my fish tonight and was pleasantly surprised, but I have found out today that I DO NOT like red wine vinegar.  I am going to have to swap it out, I just can't do it.  All in all, I made it through the first day of the diet and since I looked ahead at tomorrows, I think it may go a little better for me.  Lynn will be starting hers tomorrow and I can't wait to see what she thinks of it, it is a change but the more I do it the more likely I will end up liking it. Or well at least getting it down - LOL. 
Lynn and I were on the radio yesterday morning, and since we were live Deveney did tell us not to swear, I really had to watch what I say since I have a bad mouth.  I did really good, but I swear that LYNN SAID BITCH.  I swear she did, it was too funny. 
That is about it for me today, check in with you all later.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Six weeks down

With six weeks done, the competition is very close.  Lynn and I are in third place right now, but I think that anyone that saw me today will agree, I am a fighter and I am NOT willing to give up.  I can say that Mary KICKED OUR ASSES today.  Everyone that reads this blog MUST know what a burpee is, and well honestly you NEED to understand how much we all hate them.  We walked in this morning with ONLY 2 exercises on the board with a big 15:15 on top.  The first item of the day was.... yup burpees the second was a squat press.  These two items are hard and when you only get a 15 second break, you may think you are going to die.  I pushed through the first round counting my burpees - realizing that I am more likely to slack on those.  I got seven and thought that was good for 15 seconds.  But if you read my blog yesterday I stated that I was going to push myself harder and not allow myself to fail.  Each time burpees came, I MADE sure that I got seven, and I found that I could push and get 8 and then nine by the time we were done the workout I was able to get TEN burpees in 15 seconds.  HOLY SHIT!!! I don't care what anyone else thinks I think that is AMAZING.  And that right there is why Mary chose me as the boot-camper of the day.  I was so excited and so was my Mia, I picked a PINK dog tag because I knew that she would love it.  Mia was so cute, giving me hugs and screaming that she was so proud of me.  Just thinking about it now, it brings tears to my eyes.  My three year old was proud of ME, I am so honored by this.  I push myself every single day so that I can be more active with my kids and keep up with them.  Mia is just too cute, I love that she is proud of me and I hope to make her even more proud through out these next six weeks. 
I actually was able to wave and shout out to my fellow MOOsers from across the room today.  Can't say that I saw a lot of what they were doing, but I did manage to check them all out here and there.  I just looked at all of the before and after pictures and you ALL look so amazing.  I am glad to be a part of this competition and have support from each of you. 
Well, until Monday - this is it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 6 almost done!!!

So today was Freaky Fat Loss Friday and almost the end of week 6.  I can honestly say that I use to like Cardio days because it was kind of like a break, but I think that now Cardio days are so much harder, and the days like today are easier.. weird but true.  Anyways, it was honestly so GREAT to hear how everyone was doing so far.  Understanding that this is a competition, I do realize that each of our progress is crucial to us winning.  Since I was not satisfied with my results this week, I have become more determined then ever.  I am going to start Warp Speed and kick my own ass as hard as I can each and every single day.  Well, and since we all know that this year it depends on partners I guess I will have to start kicking Lynn's ass too.  But, I should be careful because if she kicked back she would probably lay me out.  LOL
I have been thinking lately how much I will miss working out six days a week when this competition is over.  I truly love working out, and even though I say things like "i just about died today", I feel so good when the workout is done and I am ready to officially start my day.  I know that Mary teaches Zumba a couple of times a week so I could fit that in my schedule and I would continue to workout like 2 or 3 times with Bootcamp.  OMG, really why am I even thinking about this right now.  I have plenty of time to figure this out when it is getting closer to the end of the MOOsers..
That is pretty much it, its all I got.
Hope to see you all at the Grand Opening tomorrow, I even have a date.  MY HUSBAND!!!! Yahoo! a date night (well afternoon)
Enjoy!!! as always.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Okay so for those of you that have not been reading my blog religiously today was the official measurement day for me.  Let me start by saying, it is not bad and any loss is great and I should celebrate that, BUT I was a little upset with my results.  I worked so hard these last six weeks and here is what I have done:
Lost 8.6 pounds
Body Fat % : went from 33.5% to 30.5%
Bicep: went from 12 to 9
Tricep: went from 22 to 16
Back: went from 28 to 24
Hip: went from 19 to staying at 19
Totals: before 81 to 68 now
for those that don't know the things listed above are when Ben pinches the fat - LOL but for real that is what he does, he even has a special tool to use.  Pretty cool right?
Hips: Before 43.25 after 42.5
Waist: Before 37.5 after 36.75
Thigh: Before 22.5 after 20.5
Upper Arm: Before 22 after 22 again - I can only say that my GUNS are huge, which is the only reason that this number did not change. 

So there it is the beginning and six week measurements, I know that it is not bad but since I had not lost as much weight as I was thinking I was looking to make it up in inches.  Oh well, it is what it is and I can't change it since it is officially in black and
We have officially lost another team in the MOOsers which sucks, I will miss both Maygan and Jenn everyday but look forward to seeing Jenn three times a week.  I hope to stay in touch with both of them, as I feel like we had gotten pretty close over these last six weeks.  I do realize that this is still a competition, and I plan on working my ass off to win but I feel like I have a whole new family with my MOOsers.  It is wonderful to hear everyone's results so far, and I know that we all give it our all and even some more every day.  I hope that everyone is content with their results this far and use them to push through the next six weeks. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hump Day

So today is officially HUMP day, which I guess is not true in our case but hey, I have to have a title and I am running out. lol Todays workout was fantastic, Lynn got her pee out of the way before the work out started so she could kick ass throughout the whole thing.  Both Lynn and I talked at lunch about how when we used the one dumb-bell and did a squat press with it our left side was just dying.  I laughed as I said "did you see my whole arm shaking?" it was really just too funny.  Since Lynn had "pinky promised" her son that he would be to school a little early this morning, she headed out at like 10 after 7, you know right after we started the final ass kicking of the morning.  We all had partners and took turns doing five burpees but after each burpee you had to do a lateral hop, which just makes burpees suck even more then they already do.  If that is possible.  So with Lynn gone, BEN stepped in to help me out.  Now, the funny part is that when I know I can get a break after my five I push them out, I don't slack I want that break.  I couldn't even talk to tell Ben my five were done, I just waved my arm in the air so that he would know to start.  And of course because Ben was my partner I felt that I had to push even harder, when our six minutes was up I fell to the floor and I did not want to move EVER AGAIN. 
The funniest part of the day was when I was doing push-ups and well I will admit to taking a short (very short) rest and when I was finally done Lynn said "did you know that you have some black stuff on your forehead?"  I was like "great, now everyone knows I put my head down".  LOL If I had not been so tired I really would have laughed so hard on that one. 
So Lynn got her new measurements today and I will not share those with you all, if she wants to she can but I don't feel as though it is my place to do that.  I get my new measurements tomorrow before the Met. Makeover class so I will post because I am so excited to see where I am at. 
Anyways, Lynn does have the user name and password so you may be hearing from her at some point, I don't think that she is as funny as me but I guess you will have to be the judge. 
Another Cardio day tomorrow, can't wait to see what Mary has in store for us.....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cardio - NO Ben

So Ben was not with us this morning for our Cardio workout, but you always know that Ben is there in spirit.  Like he has said before, he has eyes everywhere, so basically we did not slack at all and I can say that for everyone that was there today.  Lynn was a few minutes late this morning, thanks to the Brochu drive way LOL, so I told everyone that we should harass her when she did show up, I felt kind of bad so before I continued I asked if everything was okay and since it was she asked me when I wanted her to take her pee brake.  LOL asking permission to pee, I did not allow her to miss the burpees.  The thing that I hate about a cardio day is that we now do six times at each station, I give it my all each round but I have not been able to beat my current number.  At the beginning Ben would say meet or beat and I know that I should be able to beat that damn number now but I have not yet.  Maybe it is the 30:30 that has me all messed up?? I don't know, I can only hope to progress quickly so that I don't dwell on the damn thing. 
Lisa mentioned that she noticed that my arms are getting toned from the last video that she watched.  I was excited to hear that, it was much need encouragement and it makes me feel great just knowing that my workout crew is noticing the differences in my body.  Thank you Lisa, I can honestly say that you have helped push me through my workouts, I watch you and push myself harder because you are a "Machine".  And Shannon is always there to push me and it is funny because she pushes me when I need that extra bit of encouragement.  It's like she can read my mind, or well maybe my body.  She gives me words of encouragement through-out every workout and that is greatly appreciated.  Lynn - well since I am pointing out some of my biggest helpers, you are obviously one of the biggest.  You show up everyday showing your commitment to this program and to ME, it is truly an honor to be your partner on this Journey and I am so glad that we have each other to lean on, I could NOT do this with out you.  I have to also thank everyone for sending me words of encouragment either through the blog, or facebook or even email.  I know that I will reach my goal by the end of this twelve weeks because of the wonderful support that I have had this whole time.  I am very excited about getting our measurments this week and hope to use that as a push to work even harder.  I can honestly say that my life is changing a little bit each day, and for that I will be forever grateful. 
So I will end it there for today, tomorrow we will see Ben again and he will be the one handing over the ass kicking - well I think if not then Mary will do it, she has no problem kicking my ass. LOL