Thursday, March 3, 2011


Okay so for those of you that have not been reading my blog religiously today was the official measurement day for me.  Let me start by saying, it is not bad and any loss is great and I should celebrate that, BUT I was a little upset with my results.  I worked so hard these last six weeks and here is what I have done:
Lost 8.6 pounds
Body Fat % : went from 33.5% to 30.5%
Bicep: went from 12 to 9
Tricep: went from 22 to 16
Back: went from 28 to 24
Hip: went from 19 to staying at 19
Totals: before 81 to 68 now
for those that don't know the things listed above are when Ben pinches the fat - LOL but for real that is what he does, he even has a special tool to use.  Pretty cool right?
Hips: Before 43.25 after 42.5
Waist: Before 37.5 after 36.75
Thigh: Before 22.5 after 20.5
Upper Arm: Before 22 after 22 again - I can only say that my GUNS are huge, which is the only reason that this number did not change. 

So there it is the beginning and six week measurements, I know that it is not bad but since I had not lost as much weight as I was thinking I was looking to make it up in inches.  Oh well, it is what it is and I can't change it since it is officially in black and
We have officially lost another team in the MOOsers which sucks, I will miss both Maygan and Jenn everyday but look forward to seeing Jenn three times a week.  I hope to stay in touch with both of them, as I feel like we had gotten pretty close over these last six weeks.  I do realize that this is still a competition, and I plan on working my ass off to win but I feel like I have a whole new family with my MOOsers.  It is wonderful to hear everyone's results so far, and I know that we all give it our all and even some more every day.  I hope that everyone is content with their results this far and use them to push through the next six weeks. 


  1. Yaaaaaa Andrea =)!!!! You have worked so hard and it's paying off! I'm so proud of you, keep up the good work! Love you xoxo

  2. NOT BAD?!?!??! Andrea!! You've lost a SHIT TON of inches!! that's AWESOME!!! DOn't worry about the scale- I went from a size 8 124 # to a size 0 125# so i GAINED a pound but looked tiny at a size zero. awesome!!!!!!!!1

  3. by the way this is nedah, apparently i'm logged in as ben LOL

  4. OKAY so it was brought to my attention that there is no way in hell that my upper arms are 22, Sorry about that everyone they are really 11.5. LOL that is just a little bit of a difference. LOL
