Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hump Day

So today is officially HUMP day, which I guess is not true in our case but hey, I have to have a title and I am running out. lol Todays workout was fantastic, Lynn got her pee out of the way before the work out started so she could kick ass throughout the whole thing.  Both Lynn and I talked at lunch about how when we used the one dumb-bell and did a squat press with it our left side was just dying.  I laughed as I said "did you see my whole arm shaking?" it was really just too funny.  Since Lynn had "pinky promised" her son that he would be to school a little early this morning, she headed out at like 10 after 7, you know right after we started the final ass kicking of the morning.  We all had partners and took turns doing five burpees but after each burpee you had to do a lateral hop, which just makes burpees suck even more then they already do.  If that is possible.  So with Lynn gone, BEN stepped in to help me out.  Now, the funny part is that when I know I can get a break after my five I push them out, I don't slack I want that break.  I couldn't even talk to tell Ben my five were done, I just waved my arm in the air so that he would know to start.  And of course because Ben was my partner I felt that I had to push even harder, when our six minutes was up I fell to the floor and I did not want to move EVER AGAIN. 
The funniest part of the day was when I was doing push-ups and well I will admit to taking a short (very short) rest and when I was finally done Lynn said "did you know that you have some black stuff on your forehead?"  I was like "great, now everyone knows I put my head down".  LOL If I had not been so tired I really would have laughed so hard on that one. 
So Lynn got her new measurements today and I will not share those with you all, if she wants to she can but I don't feel as though it is my place to do that.  I get my new measurements tomorrow before the Met. Makeover class so I will post because I am so excited to see where I am at. 
Anyways, Lynn does have the user name and password so you may be hearing from her at some point, I don't think that she is as funny as me but I guess you will have to be the judge. 
Another Cardio day tomorrow, can't wait to see what Mary has in store for us.....

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