Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mia Stinks

So Miss Mia joined us at boot camp today.  At one point Lynn asked me "is that you?" and then I could smell it, I looked at Mia and said did you fart?  LOL She said yes, I did.  My god, she was so stinky.  That was my motivation today, the faster we got done the faster we could get away from Mia.  LMAO Mia has been told that she can not come with mommy to work out anymore, since she always needs to go to the bathroom and distract me.  Not a great idea.  I can't even believe that this smell could come from my little girl. 
Now about the workout... It was a killer day today.  Lynn of course was my partner, just incase you didn't know that.  We did work out hard, and of course we did the roll the dice - when you get a three it is Ben's choice, this is never a good thing but we managed to roll threes like each time.  OMG that sucked.  Anyways, it was a great workout and I do feel that I gave 100% it would have been 110% if I didn't have to take Mia to the potty a couple of times.

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