Friday, February 4, 2011

Freaky Friday

So Friday's are called "Freaky Fridays", well I think it is more like "freaky fat loss Friday's" but anyways that is not the point.  The point is I guess that it just gives Ben and now Mary another reason to kick our asses.  So because I had to be to work early today I bailed at five after seven.  Everyone kicked ass today, that workout sucked, but we gave it our all.  My legs burned, and I thought for a minute I may die.  But... I heard a voice saying to me, "push it Andrea, don't stop", it was Mary, thanks for that.  I don't think my partner could see how badly I was struggling there for a bit.  That may be because she was working out in front of me and I was trying to check out her ass. LOL
On a more serious note, I have had many people interested in my work outs and noticing the difference in me as a whole.  My co-workers are great, very supportive and understanding.  They have allowed me to change my schedule to accommodate Boot-Camp, watched as I showed them what we have done that day, complimented me on the differences that they see.  It is truly wonderful, and I can't say how much I really appreciate it. 
Most importantly, my family has been sick seriously for like weeks.  The lovely sickness goes through the house from one to the next.  I have been very fortunate, and not been sick (knock on wood) but my husband has been sick and stayed home with our children so that I could work out.  So with that said, I would have to say that I can not force him to come try boot-camp as it is really his choice, but that he has to watch all of the MOOser videos without question.
Lynn.... Well I will have to talk with her so that I may update you all on her behalf.  I can say that I see a difference in her and think it is WONDERFUL.  I love that her husband and kids are assisting her by getting up really early, and cooking healthy meals.  Thanks Sally for taking the boys so early in the morning, I have enjoyed my mornings with my sister.  I can't say that I have a favorite sister, because I have four of them, but I can say that I was truly blessed with the sisters and brother that I was given.  Lynn and I both have a huge amount of support and our family is so proud that we have taken this step in our lives.  I may seem a little mushy but I really just want everyone to know how much it really means to Lynn and I.  The amount of support is just amazing. 

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