Wednesday, February 23, 2011

1/2 way through week 5

This morning marked the half way point for week number five, and I worked my ass off.  I did get on the scale this week, because I thought that this was the week for taking new measurements.  I am really excited that I have another whole week before that really happens. I was glad to see that the number had gone down, and I know that I have lost inches since my pants don't fit, I guess I was thinking that they were going to be a little lower, but hey they went down and that is awesome. 
I am not sure if Ben read my blog the other day about the "Eye of the Tiger" or not but he played that song again today - which made me push even harder throughout the work out.  Lynn and I were with Lisa and Hailey and I was just a little scared since they have been doing this longer then us, but we did our best and I think that by having them in our group made me push a bit more as well. 
Hey guess what - Lynn didn't pee or blow her nose during the burpees today. LOL I was harassing her about that the other day, but I don't think she reads the blog so she wont know that I told all of you either. lol Watch, this will be the ONE time she reads it just because. 
Lynn pushed hard again today, she is really pushing herself through each workout and has been doing such a great job.  I am very proud of her and everyone else should be as well.
I am going to miss tomorrows work out since I have another training in Burlington, but Joel said that he would assist me with doing a 30:30 day at home.  Although, if training lets out early, I may make it to the 6:30 class. 
So that is pretty much it for today, thanks for reading.

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